How you can support us during these uncertain times

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a number of challenges for The Stained Glass Museum, which has been forced to close for much of the last year. We rely on the income we make from admissions, events, workshops, and shop sales to care for our collection and pay our staff. Museum closures, reduced visitors and cancelled events have had an impact on our income. We are grateful to have received emergency grant funding from the Culture Recovery Fund, ACE, National Lottery Heritage Fund, The Headley Trust, and East Cambridgeshire District Council.

There are several ways you can support us from a distance during these challenging times, by making an online donation or purchase, or joining our Friends organisation.

Make a donation

Donate via paypal:

Please Gift Aid your donation

On the phone: Please note our desks may not be staffed as usual during this time, so if you would like to make a donation over the phone please leave a message on 01353 660347 and we will phone you back to take your donation as soon as we can.

By post: You can also post cheques made out to 'The Stained Glass Museum' to The Stained Glass Museum, South Triforium, Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4DL

Please Gift Aid your donation:
If you are a UK taxpayer the Museum can claim Gift aid on your donation which means that the museum receives an extra 25%. Please complete and sign a Gift Aid declaration form and return to us by email or post.

Join our Friends organisation

Becoming a Friend of the museum costs just £25 per year. This is a great way of supporting the Museum ad keeping in touch with our activities and developments. Join our Friends now.

Friends benefits include:
Free admission for yourself to the Museum and Ely Cathedral
Bi-annual newsletter with information on all Museum activities and events
10% discount on all Museum shop purchases
10% discount on glass painting workshops
Invitation to all Museum events and private views

If you wish to contact us with any queries about the Friends please email: or telephone 01353 660347

Make a purchase from our online shop

Browse our selling books and unique glass gifts. We will be adding stock to our shop as soon as we can, so please support us by making a purchase.

Thank you for your support. We hope to welcome you back to the museum soon.



Opening hours

Summer (1 April – 31 October)
Monday -Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm (last admission 4:30pm)

Winter (1 November – 31 March)
Tuesday -Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm (last admission 3:30pm)


The Stained Glass Museum is an independent accredited museum and registered charity no. 1169842.

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Become a Friend

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