Leaving a Legacy

Museums cannot afford to remain static repositories; we must grow and develop to widen participation. To do so effectively we rely, as we always have done, on private support. Gifts and bequests over the past four decades have enabled the Stained Glass Museum to develop a significant collection of stained glass from the medieval period to the present day, unrivalled in the UK. The Museum is increasingly popular with the public for the range and quality of its educational and recreational programmes for visitors of all ages. I hope you will take a moment to read our Legacy Giving leaflet which explains how you can support the Stained Glass Museum by becoming a benefactor.

Dr Jasmine Allen
Curator, The Stained Glass Museum

Legacy Leaflet

Investing in the Future

By including the Stained Glass Museum in your Will, you are directly contributing to the Museum’s growth and development. Your legacy will help to ensure its future success. A bequest made in general terms offers the Museum the greatest flexibility with the ability to apply funds in the areas of greatest need. On the other hand you may wish to support particular areas of activity within the Museum such as acquisitions, conservation, education, information technology or research. Whatever the size of your gift, it will be greatly appreciated and well used.

For further information on legacy giving, please read our Legacy Giving leaflet or contact the Curator on 01353 660347.



Opening hours

Summer (1 April – 31 October)
Monday -Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm (last admission 4:30pm)

Winter (1 November – 31 March)
Tuesday -Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm (last admission 3:30pm)


The Stained Glass Museum is an independent accredited museum and registered charity no. 1169842.

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