Conservation, Restoration and Protection of Stained Glass

The Stained Glass Museum does not have a conservation studio on site. If you have some historic stained or painted glass in need of conservation we advise consulting with an ICON accredited conservation studio for all conservation work. For a comprehensive list of ICON accredited stained glass conservators go to the BSMGP website

The Council for the Care of Churches has some useful guidance on looking after stained glass in church buildings. Stained glass and leaded windows in churches do not normally require regular cleaning, but if you are concerned always seek the advice of a professional. cleaning stained glass windows

In 2020 Historic England published a new guidance document on how to care for stained glass windows and recognise the impact environmental factors have on the state of windows and leading. Stained Glass Windows: Managing Environmental Deterioration has been developed in close association with the glass conservation community, and is free to access online here.

The publication includes a chapter on Environmental Protective Glazing (EPG) based on extensive field and laboratory research prepared for Historic England.

A checklist and flowchart provides guidance to building professionals who do not have experience in assessing stained glass windows, but may have been asked to undertake a basic survey.

The Church Buildings Council also has guidance on working with conservators. Please be aware that most work within Anglican churches will also need DAC approval.

International guidelines for the conservation of stained glass are available on the CVMA website.


Commissioning a New Stained Glass Window

The Cathedral and Church Buildings Division have a handy downloadable guide to introducing new art to churches and selecting an artist.

If the window is for an Anglican church, the parish will need to apply for a faculty from the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).


Displaying a window

A window needs structural support and, when displayed out of a traditional window opening, back-lighting to be viewed most favourably. The structural integrity of the piece and your preferred display location will dictate the feasibility and cost of display.

This article written by a former Victoria & Albert Museum stained glass conservator Sherrie Eatman on displaying glass in a museum context is useful.


In recent years, the museum has used Neil Wilton of The Stained Glass Display Company to make bespoke metal frames for our panels. Inert metal frames are the preferred choice due to the offgassing of wooden frames.


Find out More

The Stylistic Development of Stained Glass
Glossary of Stained Glass Terms
About Stained Glass - Frequently Asked Questions
Other useful resources
Spitfires (2019.2)  (c) Stained Glass Museum

Spitfires (2019.2)


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The Stained Glass Museum is an independent accredited museum and registered charity no. 1169842.



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