Living Wage Employer
Following His Majesty The King’s Accession in September 2022, a major review of more than 1,000 Royal Patronages and charity Presidencies has been undertaken. To mark anniversary of Their Majesties’ Coronation, the outcome of this review has been announced, and The Stained Glass Museum is amongst the charities to be retained.
Trustee, Suzanne Phillips Galloway, attended the unveiling of a blue plaque for 19th century stained glass artist William Holland of Warwick.
The Stained Glass Museum has expanded its collection of contemporary works with the recent acquisition of [italic:Beauty Tricks] (2017), a stained glass artwork by Scottish artist Pinkie Maclure.
An exhibition by James Cockerill of HALTGlass
Exhibition in south-west-transept of Ely Cathedral This exhibition displays 24 panels (on rotation) made by individuals ‘Inspired by William Morris’ using traditional stained glass techniques as well as contemporary and experimental methods. It is hoped that the exhibition will inspire a new generation of people to work with stained glass and commission it for public buildings and homes as William Morris succeed in doing.
A copper foiling workshop with Claire Hart & Tracy Chamberlin
In this exclusive masterclass, award winning artist James Cockerill of HALTglass will share his knowledge and innovative methods as he guides you through the process of creating a bespoke screen printed glass artwork.
Stained Glass Museum Toddler Group
An exciting new course offering students the opportunity to design, paint and lead a small stained glass panel. Tutor: Claire Hart & Tracy Chamberlin