You may find the below links useful. Please note the Stained Glass Museum is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Societies, Associations, and other Organisations
The British Society of Master Glass Painters, founded in 1921, is a British membership organisation devoted exclusively to the art and craft of stained glass. The BSMGP publish annually The Journal of Stained Glass.
The Corpus Vitrearum is an international research project, founded in 1949, to publish all of the remaining medieval glass (up to 1540) in Europe and North America. The Corpus Vitrearum Great Britain Picture Archive is an archive of over 10 000 photographs and information on the stained glass of medieval (and other) periods in England. The British Corpus Vitrearum also publish Vidimus, the only open-access online magazine devoted to stained glass.
The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass (Stained Glass Repository), or Glaziers Company, dates back to 1328, and is one of the long established Livery Companies forming the backbone of the organisation of the City of London. Their prime focus is the art and craft of historic and contemporary stained and decorative glass for buildings.
The Church Recording Society is the national society co-ordinating and providing resources for the Church Recording Groups throughout the UK and the Isle of Man, in succession to The Arts Society. It is a project recording all the artefacts within a church, including stained glass windows.
The Ecclesiological Society was founded in 1879. This is a useful site for those interested in church architecture, liturgy, fittings and furnishings.
The Friends of Friendless Churches was set up in 1957 to save disused but beautiful places of worship of architectural and historical interest from demolition, decay and unsympathetic conversion. Working across England and Wales, they are an independent, non-denominational charity who care for over 50 former places of worship and has helped hundreds more.
The Pugin Society was founded in 1995 to celebrate the buildings, decorative designs and writings of Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin and the members of the Pugin family. The society produce a regular newsletter, publications on the work and lasting impact of A. W. N Pugin as well as organising talks, events and trips.
TheSociety of Glass Technology was formed in 1916 at the University of Sheffield and is for those interested in the production, properties or uses of glasses, whether from a commercial, aesthetic, academic or technical viewpoint. It is a non-profit organisation with a worldwide membership who publish journals and text books, organising meetings, symposia and conferences on glass related topics.
The Twentieth Century Society (C20) was founded in 1979, as a direct response to growing interest in 20th century architecture and to complement the preservation work of the Victorian Society, which was founded in 1959. They campaign to save outstanding buildings and design that characterise C20th Britain, helping as many people as possible to appreciate their importance and beauty.
The Victorian Society are the national authority on Victorian and Edwardian architecture built between 1837 and 1914 in England and Wales. As one of the National Amenity Societies, The Victorian Society is a statutory consultee on alterations to listed buildings, and by law must be notified of any work to a listed building which involves any element of demolition
Other Museums, Centres and Galleries - in the UK and Ireland
The Burrell Museum, Glasgow (Scotland) is due to reopen in Spring 2021. The Museum has a large collection of Medieval and Renaissance stained glass collected by its founder Sir William Burrell.
The Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin (Ireland) displays work by Harry Clarke, including renowned the window, The Eve of St Agnes in their Stained Glass Room.
The National Glass Centre, Sunderland (UK), is a museum devoted to glass and its history. It has a programme of contemporary exhibitions.
The Red House Glass Cone, Stourbridge (UK), is situated in the historic Stourbridge Glass Quarter and next to the Stourbridge Canal. It is one of four surviving glass cones in the country.
The Victoria & Albert Museum, in South Kensington, London has a number of stained glass panels in their collection ranging from the medieval to the modern.
The White House Glass Cone Museum of Glass, Stourbridge (UK) is due to open at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021. It will house the Broadfield House glass collection.
The William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, London (UK), located in the childhood home of William Morris, has a fine collection of Arts and Crafts stained glass.
Other Museums, Centres and Galleries - around the world
The Centre International du Vitrail (International Centre for Stained Glass) in Chartres (France), established in 1980, promotes the study and conservation of stained glass and encourages contemporary work. The site includes pages in English and German.
The Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine (Architecture and Heritage of the City), in Paris (France), is a museum of architecture and monumental sculpture established in 1879. Located in the Palais de Chaillot (Trocadéro), its permanent collection is also known as Musée des Monuments Français (Museum of French Monuments).
The Cité du Vitrail is a centre dedicated to stained glass in Troyes, France, which opened in December 2022.
The Cloisters Museum, New York (USA) governed by the Metropoliation Museum of Art, specialises in European medieval architecture, sculpture, and decorative arts, with a focus on the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York (USA), houses the world’s greatest glass collection and a library of the history, art, and early technology of glassmaking.
The Glasmalerei Museum, Linnich (Germany) is housed in a former grain mill and displays a collection of historic and contemporary glass art.
The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg (Russia) was founded in 1764 and is the second largest museum in the world. It houses a beautiful collection of European and Russian stained glass from the 15th & 16th centuries
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Los Angeles (USA) has a collection of stained glass, from medieval to modern period.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, (USA) has an extensive collection of stained glass collection, from medieval to modern, and its collections can be viewed on this site.
The Musée du Cluny, or Musées National du Moyen Age, Paris (France) is a museum of the Middle Ages with a significant collection of medieval stained glass.
The Schnütgen Museum (Museum Schnütgen in German) in Cologne (Köln) (Germany) is devoted to Christian art, and has a collection of stained glass.
The Vitromusee and Vitrocentre, Romont (Switzerland) collection includes medieval glass paintings and the worlds largest collection of reverse glass painting. The Vitrocentre research the history, conservation and technology of stained glass, of reverse painting on glass, and other glass arts.
Gazetteers and county surveys of Stained Glass
Visit Stained Glass highlights some of Britain's stained glass treasures, with a helpful map.
Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches is an online database of stained glass windows in churches in the county of Buckinghamshire with images.
The CVMA Picture Archive is a searchable database of over 10 000 photographs and information on the stained glass of medieval (and other) periods in England, with images.
Cornish Stained Glass. A website containing information and articles on the stained glass in Cornwall.
Essex Churches. A new website which documents stained glass in Essex churches.
The Rose Window is a searchable photographic archive of medieval stained glass covering England and France, with images.
Leicestershire and Rutland: A Gazetteer of Stained Glass. A gazetteer of stained glass in Leicestershire and Rutland compiled by Paul Sharpling.
Norfolk Stained Glass. A useful website which documents stained glass in secular and religious Norfolk buildings.
Norfolk Churches. A useful website with information on churches in the county of Norfolk.
Suffolk Churches. A useful website with information on churches in the county of Suffolk.
Sussex Churches. A useful website with information on churches in the county of Sussex.
Stained Glass Records is a database which holds records (without images) of stained glass windows in churches in the South and East of England . Counties included are Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Bournemouth (Dorset), Buckinghamshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Inner London, Kent (West), Kent (East), Outer London (Kent), Outer London (Middlesex), Outer London, Oxfordshire, Surrey, Sussex, and Wiltshire.
Imaging the Bible in Wales is a website which holds images and information about biblical scenes, characters and subjects from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as depicted in Welsh places of worship.
Stained Glass in Wales is a searchable online catalogue of stained glass in Wales, with images.
Stained glass in the Church of Ireland is a searchable online catalogue of every stained glass window throughout the Church of Ireland, with images.
Architectural Gazetteers
Taking Stock is an architectural and historical review of Catholic churches and chapels in England and Wales. The project is a partnership between the Patrimony Committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, individual dioceses, and Historic England.
Stained Glass Archives
The National Art Library, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The archive holds the UK's most comprehensive public reference collection of literature on the fine and decorative arts
The National Monuments Record, Swindon (UK) holds a major archive relating to historic British stained glass.
The Rakow Research Library, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York (USA) is the world’s foremost library on the art and history of glass and glassmaking.
The Stained Glass Museum is an independent accredited museum and registered charity no. 1169842.