Brief description: Design for a stained glass window depicting scenes from the resurrection of Christ. They include Saints Peter and John at the empty tomb, the road to Emmaus, Christ appearing to the apostles and the doubting of Thomas. Designed by Heaton, Butler and Bayne

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Object type: preparatory artworks design

Number of objects: 1

Production date: 1896

Production period: 19th century, late

Manufacturer: Heaton, Butler and Bayne

Dimensions: Height: 302 mm, Width: 325 mm

Inscription: business stamp on front HBand B, 14 Garrick St left corner Garden City NY 11.11.96 second from left panel on building EMMAUS

Original location: Garden City Cathedral Garden City New York USA crypt windows

Acquisition: purchase 7.1975

Acquisition source: Christies Kings Street, London, England

This item is not currently on display and can only be viewed by prior arrangement

Accession number: ELYGM:1975.8.11

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