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Friends Organisation
Becoming a Friend of the museum costs just £25 per year. This is a great way of supporting the only museum dedicated to stained glass in the UK and keeping in touch with our activities and developments.
Free admission for yourself to the Museum and Ely Cathedral
● Bi-annual newsletter with information on all Museum activities and events
● 10% discount on all Museum shop purchases
● 10% discount on Adult Workshops
● Invitation to all Museum activities
If you wish to contact us with any queries about the Friends please email: or telephone 01353 660347
Join our Friends Organisation online today, or by downloading a Friends Membership Form (PDF)
Make a Donation
The Stained Glass Museum is an independent museum and registered charity (no. 11 69842) that exists to collect, exhibit, and interpret stained glass for the enjoyment of all. Please consider supporting us by making a donation.
Please Gift Aid your donation

If you are a UK taxpayer the Museum can claim Gift aid on your donation which means that the museum receives an extra 25%. Please complete and sign a Gift Aid declaration form and return to us.
Legacy Giving
Gifts and bequests over the past four decades have enabled The Stained Glass Museum to develop a significant collection of stained glass from the medieval period to the present day, unrivalled in the UK. Leaving a bequest can ensure your appreciation of stained glass is passed on to future generations through preservation of the collection, enhanced display and interpretation, and our educational outreach. If you are interested in becoming a benefactor, please read our Legacy Giving leaflet or contact the Curator on 01353 660347.
Volunteers are an integral part of the Museum team. They work alongside our staff, but in different roles, and contribute to the development and day-to-day operations of the Museum. For information on current volunteering opportunities, please see our Volunteering page or contact the Museum on 01353 660347.
The Stained Glass Museum is an independent accredited museum and registered charity no. 1169842.
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