Brief description: A rectangular stained glass panel entitled Evening by Ervin Bossanyi, 1933. A woman and girl wearing peasant head-scarves, kneel over a basket containing several hens. A stained glass panel on the theme of 'Evening'. The panel shows a woman and a girl, both wearing headscarves and kneeling over a basket with hen and chickens at bottom left. Red background to blue sky with moon and stars. A roundel in the bottom corner bears the artist's name.

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Object type: stained glass window

Number of objects: 1

Production date: 1933

Production period: 20th century, mid

Designer: Ervin Bossanyi (1891 - 1975)

Dimensions: Height: 760 mm, Width: 860 mm

Original location: Friedrich-Ebert- Schule a school Utersen Germany

Acquisition: gift 1976

Acquisition source: Bossany, Jo

Accession number: ELYGM:1976.6

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