Brief description: Roundels from rose window designed by John Hungerford Pollen and made by James Powell and Sons, Whitefriars in 1863. The panel in the centre features a full length portrayal of Virgin Mary in blue robe and depicts the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The outside roundels depict angels.
Object type: stained glass window
Number of objects: 9
Production date: 1863
Production period: 19th century, mid
Designer: John Hungerford Pollen (1820 - 1902)
Manufacturer: Powell, James and Sons
Dimensions: Diameter: 1170 mm, Diameter: 640 mm
Original location: Church of the Assumption Rhyl Denbighs Wales rose window Denbighshire
Acquisition: purchase 1976
Acquisition source: Peter Joliffe (Contractor)
This item is only partly on display
Accession number: ELYGM:1976.8